Florence V. Dunkel
Montana State University
Dr. Florence V. Dunkel has done his Ph.D in Entomology, from Univ. of Wisconsin – Madison. She also has many honors For her Excellent Teaching and outstanding Research Accomplishments in Management of Grain Quality and Security in World Markets 2004. she also received Charles Lindbergh Grant Award in Anthropology. She also has many keynote presentations in various summits. She also received EXTRAMURAL GRANTS for Teaching.
Research Interest
Research interest of Florence V. Dunkel include plant-based natural products for insect management, particularly related to postharvest ecosystems. Current projects include exploration of Montana wheat varietal resistance to postharvest insects; use of plant-based products with entomopathogenic fungi for management of insects; and use of natural products in the holistic management of malaria in West African (Malian) villages.